The great old sage line of "When life gives you lemons you make lemonade and if there is vodka you have a party!" The only problem is I have never been the one to add the vodka...make it sugar and some ice and we have a lemonade shake-up....more of this girl's speed! I am learning as I get older in life that we can't make too much out of everything. I have many frustrations I have been working on through out the last 10 years. I have to say there are too many demons at times, I take a break pick up the sword and just keep slaying at the layers....
Many would ask why do you keep on going like you do? I have to say the perseverance is strong in this one. I am not one to back down or give up on myself anymore. Many moons ago I wanted to be a physician and I never fulfilled the goal. I want to finish what I start and if it now means slowing the pace because being an adult means working full time and going to school 1-2 classes at a time so it be. I have the support of a great family, my husband, and a few close friends who just get me....I am Marcey.
I am not perfect, I learn hands-on, hate taking tests which are multiple choice hence why nursing school and I never made friends but the clinical side and I where it was just me and the patient I was a rock star! Yes, I will toot my own horn because I do have a genuine heart and I love helping people preferably people who have wrinkles, grey hair, and put you in your place when needed.
This is not because I had influence from a grandmother who was wise beyond years. The cheerleader of my childhood, who was proud because of everything I was accomplishing by just being myself. I never had to prove anything to her, she knew that I could be exceptional if I put in the effort and kept the dream alive in my heart. When I did not finish nursing school it was not the end of the world for her but me. She never gave up until her dying day knowing in her heart that I would find a journey for me.
Low and behold four and a half years later, I am still honing in on this journey, a dream to make this life something more to other grandmothers and grandfathers. Ageing in itself is a science, we all travel this journey differently and it makes us unique, we all have a story we are telling until the final breath.
With this blog will come some of the most meaningful moments, growing in future movements, life changes, so does my hair color, the one thing that will never change is the huge heart I have in giving back to a woman who gave me so much. I am not on this journey for her but for myself, because the years I had shaped who I am destined to be; I have learned so much but there is more to be acknowledged. Life is gift and the present is how we unwrap the gift and put it to use.
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